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Pedro Ponce de Leon
1550 Spanish Benedictine monk who is often credited as being "the first teacher for the Deaf"

Juan Pablo Bonet
Juan Pablo Bonet was a Spanish priest and pioneer of education for the deaf

Abbe Charles-Michel de L'Epee
The Abbe Charles-Michel de I'Epee was philanthropic educator of 18th-century France who has become known as the "Father of the Deaf"

Julia Brace (June 13, 1807 – August 12, 1884) was a deafblind woman who entered at American School for the Deaf, Hartford, Connecticut in 1825 and remained there after her graduation as an employee.
Erastus (Deaf) Smith
Before Milian

The Deaf community was thriving in the 1800’s as portrayed in the picture below where influential Deaf and Hearing people gathered to discuss political and business issues.


Martha's Vineyard
Deaf Utopia Did Exist at One Time Off the Massachusetts Coast
History of Milian 1880

Abraham Lincoln and Gallaudet College

Dr. Andrew Foster

Andrew Foster was born on this date in 1925. He was an African American educator and administrator for the deaf. Born in Ensley, Alabama, Foster lost his hearing at age 11 after suffering from spinal meningitis. Drawn to a career in education, he attended the Alabama School for the Negro Deaf in Talladega.

Helen Keller

Kevin J. Nolan

Special to the New York Times FEB. 16, 1986
Amanda Folendorf

Mayor Amanda Folendorf Breaks Down Barriers in Politics
By Katie Moritz
February 14, 2018 /
© Copyrights all reserved by National Deaf Freedom Association, 2019, 2020
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