She worked as a Special Education teacher for 22 years. She helped many Deaf people from various backgrounds with job applications, and placing them into employment. She experienced bumpy roads with taste of discriminations with employers whom she tried to convince them to accept hiring those Deaf individuals whose English was not their first language. As of today, most job applications are required online. Several job applications are including questionnaire test. The terminology on employment applications and tests online are now more difficult for many Deaf and Hard of Hearing people to make clarity of
them. Furthermore, when Deaf and Hard of Hearing applicants are ready for interviews, a lot of times some non-qualified interpreters giving the employers bad impression on the qualifications of applicants. In the past few years, Sheri and Michael Gallagher tried to sep up a new Deaf agency locally, she shared her experiences with him that led Michael prompting to establish a new political platform as well as the 501(c)(4)
organization a year ago.